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Pathbuilder now with toggable groups


Sa., 21.05.2022, All day

WissKI's Pathbuilder has now toogleable groups in the latest development version https://drupal.org/project/wisski/releases/8.x-3.x-dev! Just click on the arrows on each group  ... is a fundamental structure element of the pathbuilder ... is the place where you define the WissKI structure, configure groups and fields and tell WissKI to which adapter it should send the queries. You can export/import your pathbuilder setup. The administrative name of a pathbuilder could something like Collection and Collection Items or Named Entities. and can be used as a disambiguation point. Enabled groups resulting in bundles, if you click Save and generate bundles and fields. Administrative names are i. e. Collection or Person and machine names should be start with "g_", like g_person. to fold/unfold it. Here is a little tutorial video how it works. It may be an advantage when the groups are closed as default. Please share your comments in slack or beneath the page.


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