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WissKI guidelines for the implementation of the Minimal Record Recommendation are online

Release Image of the Minimal Record Recomendation


Thu, 18.07.2024, All day

The fresh released Minimal Record Recommendation version 1.0.1 of the Minimal Record Working Group offers now a guideline to implement their data schema into WissKI!

The Minimal Record Recommendation is intended to pave the way for smaller and larger museums and collections to publish their data online and to communicate relevant standards in an easy-to-understand, low-threshold form. The aim is to raise awareness of data quality in cultural institutions and to support them in publishing online. The Recommendation is intended for practical use in everyday museum life and to support museums in setting the course for more consistent and higher quality data from the outset, gradually integrating controlled vocabularies into their documentation and publication practices, and thus preparing their valuable data resources for contemporary use scenarios with Linked Open Data.

More information about the implementation of the recommendation can be found on the resources page of the Minimal Record Recommendation and the explanatory slides for WissKI. An easy and free way to apply for a WissKI system can be found on the WissKI Cloud. You can find the corresponding Minimal Record ontology here and the pathbuilder ... is the place where you define the WissKI structure, configure groups and fields and tell WissKI to which adapter it should send the queries. You can export/import your pathbuilder setup. The administrative name of a pathbuilder could something like Collection and Collection Items or Named Entities. here.

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