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Authority files

Submitted by rnsrk on



Visit Manage Extend and check

  • Actions
  • WissKI Authority Files
  • WissKI DNB GND Adapter
  • WissKI Geonames Adapter

and click Install.


Add adapters

Navigate to Manage Configuration WissKI Salz Adapters (WissKI Salz section). Click + Add WissKI Salz Adapter, choose Geonames and enter a name for the geonames-adapter ... connects your WissKI with geonames API, has a administrative name like Geonames and a machine name like geonames. . Add another WissKI Salz Adapter, but now choose DNB GND and enter a name for the dnb-gnd-adapter ... connects your WissKI with the DNB GND API, has an administrative name like DNB GND and a machine name like dnb_gnd. as well.

Create authority files pathbuilder

Go to Manage Configuration Pathbuilders (WissKI Section), click + Add Pathbuilder and enter a Name for your authority-files-pathbuilder ... is the pathbuilder, where you add the groups and fields for the authority files, has a administrative name like Authority Files. . Under Additional settings, choose your repository-id ... is the machine name of the repository, i. e. default-adapter, backend-data or just wisski. and click Save without form generation. Model your Authority Information and Authority Document entity like the example in table 1 (do not forget to choose unique machine names) and click Save and generate bundles and fields.

Define the title pattern in Manage Structure WissKI Entities and Bundles for your bundles ("Authority ID" for Authority Document).

Table 1: Example of Authority Files Pathbuilder
TitlePathDatatype PropertyDisambigutation PointType of fieldType of form displayType of formatterCardinality

Group [ecrm:E42_Identifier ]  Bundle  Unlimited
--Authority Document (ref_aui_authority_doc)ecrm:E42_Identifier -> ecrm:P71i_is_listed_in -> ecrm:E32_Authority_Document E32_Authority_DocumentEntity referenceAutocompleteLabelUnlimited
--Authority ID (i_aui_authority_id)ecrm:E42_IdentifierP3_has_note Text (plain)TextfieldPlain textUnlimited
--Authority URI (i_aui_authority_uri)ecrm:E42_Identifier -> ecrm:P139_has_alternative_form -> wisski:URLP3_has_note LinkLinkLinkUnlimited
Authority Document (g_authority_doc)Group [ecrm:E32_Authority_Document ]  Bundle  Unlimited
--Name (i_aud_name)ecrm:E32_Authority_Document -> ecrm:P102_has_title -> ecrm:E35_TitleP3_has_note Text (plain)TextfieldPlain textUnlimited
--Variants (i_aud_variant)ecrm:E32_Authority_Document -> ecrm:P1_is_identified_by -> ecrm:E41_AppellationP3_has_note Text (plain)TextfieldPlain textUnlimited

Add authority information reference to your place and person entity

Now navigate to your existing named entities you want to extend with information with authority information and add the references to the authority information group  ... is a fundamental structure element of the pathbuilder and can be used as a disambiguation point. Enabled groups resulting in bundles, if you click Save and generate bundles and fields. Administrative names are i. e. Collection or Person and machine names should be start with "g_", like g_person. in their pathbuilder. Ensure that the Place entity has a field for coordinates. Do not forget to choose unique machine names! You see an example structure in table 2. When you are finished, click Save and generate bundles and fields.

Table 2: Example for the references to the Authority Information
TitlePathDatatype PropertyDisambigutation PointType of fieldType of form displayType of formatterCardinality

Person (g_person)

Group [ecrm:E21_Person ]  Bundle  Unlimited
--Authority Information (ref_per_authority_info)ecrm:E21_Person -> ecrm:P141i_was_assigned_by -> ecrm:E15_Identifier_Assignment -> ecrm:P37_assigned -> ecrm:E42_Identifier E42_Identifier
Entity reference
Inline entity form - ComplexRendered entityUnlimited
Place (g_place)Group [ecrm:E53_Place ]  Bundle  Unlimited
--Authority Information (ref_pla_authority_info)ecrm:E53_Place -> ecrm:P141i_was_assigned_by -> ecrm:E15_Identifier_Assignment -> ecrm:P141_assigned -> ecrm:E42_Identifier E42_IdentifierEntity referenceInline entity form - ComplexRendered entityUnlimited
--Coordinates (i_pla_coordinates)ecrm:E53_Place -> ecrm:P1_is_identified_by -> wisski:Spatial_CoordinatesP3_has_note GeofieldGeofield (WKT)Lat/LonUnlimited

Create DNB GND pathbuilder

Go to Manage Configuration Pathbuilders (WissKI Section), click + Add Pathbuilder, enter a Name for your dnb-gnd-pathbuilder ... is used for groups and fields only in connection with the DNB GND Adapter. Has a administrative name like DNB GND and a machine name like dnb_gnd. and choose DNB GND at Additional settings, Save without form generation. Model the groups and fields like in the example at table 3 (do not forget to choose unique machine names) and click Save and generate bundles and fields.

Table 3: Example of an DNB GND pathbuilder structure
TitlePathDatatype PropertyDisambigutation PointType of fieldType of form displayType of formatterCardinality

Person (gnd_person)

Group [ecrm:E21_Person ]  Bundle Person  Unlimited
Text (plain)
TextfieldPlain textUnlimited
PersonvariantNameForThePerson Text (plain)TextfieldPlain textUnlimited

Create geonames pathbuilder

Go to Manage Configuration Pathbuilders (WissKI Section), click + Add Pathbuilder, enter a Name for your geonames-pathbuilder ... is the pathbuilder where you configure the groups and fields connected to you geonames adapter, has a administrative name like Geonames and a machine name like geonames. and choose Geonames at Additional settings, Save without form generation. Model the groups and fields like in the example at table 4  (do not forget to choose unique machine names). Save and generate bundles and fields.

Table 4: Example of a geonames pathbuilder structure
TitlePathDatatype PropertyDisambigutation PointType of fieldType of form displayType of formatterCardinality

Feature (gn_feature)

Group [gn:Feature ]  Bundle Place  Unlimited
-- (ref_gn_preferred_name)gn:Featuregn:name 
Text (plain)
TextfieldPlain textUnlimited
gn:Featurewgs84:lat Text (plain)TextfieldPlain textUnlimited
--gn:Featurewgs84:lat Text (plain)TextfieldPlain textUnlimited
--Map (ref_gn_map)gn:Featurenosebear:WKT GeofieldLeaflet Map (default)Leaflet MapUnlimited

Add DNB GND and Geonames authority file instance

Visit WissKI Create and click the bundle of your authority document, enter GND as Name. Save.

Repeat last step with Geonames.

Create action Complete authority file information

Navigate to Manage Configuration Actions (System section). Beneath Create an advanced action select Complete authority file information and click Create. You get the IDs for the fields from the groups and fields you modeled at your authority files pathbuilder (see Table 1).

Therefore open a new browser-tab and visit Manage Structure WissKI Entities and Bundles and in the row of your authority information entity, click Edit in the Operations column. You find the bundle ID next to Machine name. For the field IDs, visit the Manage fields tab, you see them in the column Machine name. Copy paste the IDs to the form of your Complete authority file information action.

Table 5: Example of the inputs for the field "The completion patterns"
Field at Edit pageExample IDFrom Group/EntityExample value at input form
Bundle IDb13a3c33862465f0749a484d6b8373e8 
Field ID for the URI of the entryfe1e799aea63c96c9df2da87fbabd34aAuthority URI (i_aui_authority_uri)
f9503c5f80b9664f1aa6628a107c2f9aAuthority Document (ref_aui_authority_doc)GND
Field ID for the ID of the entryfc8ae856d69ff9493c64274ccdf2f8b5Authority ID (i_aui_authority_id)13061002X

For the field The completion patterns, you need the WissKI entity ID of your authority file individuals (GND and Geonames). Visit WissKI Navigate and click on the entity for your authority files. Click on the individual GND, you find the gnd-wissKI-entity-id in the adress bar of your browser. Please note the ID. Repeat the step for Geonames an note the geonames-wissKI-entity-id ... is the entity id of your geonames authority document, i. e. the 124 in , too.

Switch back to the Edit page of the action Complete authority file information and enter the pairs of entity ID and authority document URI in the field The completion patterns, in the pattern of:

geonames-wissKI-entity-id ... is the entity id of your geonames authority document, i. e. the 124 in{id}/

For example 



Create action Update authority file URI

Navigate to Manage Configuration Actions (System section). Beneath Create an advanced action select Update authority file URI and click Create.

In the Field IDs pointing to authority entries you need the pairs of the authority information ID from the named entities groups (at repository-id ... is the machine name of the repository, i. e. default-adapter, backend-data or just wisski. adapter, find examples in table 2) and in each case the authority URI (find examples in table 1).

Therefore open a new browser-tab and visit Manage Structure WissKI Entities and Bundles and in the row of your authority information entity (like Person or Place), click the caret to unfold the Operations menu and click Manage fields. Note the Machine name of the field of the authority information entity reference.

Switch back to the WissKI Bundles and Object page by clicking at the breadcrumb WissKI Bundles and Object Classes and repeat this step until you have noted every authortiy information field ID from every named entity. The example from table 2 shows that there are two authority information fields (ref_per_authority_info and ref_pla_authority_info), so that we can note two field IDs in this case (as shown in table 6).

Table 6: Examples of field ids for the authority information fields
Entity reference field in named entityExample Field ID
Authority Information in Person (ref_per_authority_info )ff8f7d7123c5fbeab7e78ae174c2d396
Authority Information in Place (ref_per_authority_info )faa3f2e65ee2b9e023e27200be93b82b

You needed the Authority URI (i_aui_authority_uri) you already used for the form at action Complete authority file information (fe1e799aea63c96c9df2da87fbabd34a in our example, see table 5). 

Now, that you've got all IDs, switch back to the action Update authority file URI and enter the pairs of the authority Information field IDs with the authority URI field ID in field Field IDs pointing to authority entries, i. e. it could look like

Field IDs pointing to authority entries
ff8f7d7123c5fbeab7e78ae174c2d396 fe1e799aea63c96c9df2da87fbabd34a
faa3f2e65ee2b9e023e27200be93b82b fe1e799aea63c96c9df2da87fbabd34a

The Input of the field Authority entry adapters is a pair of the machine name of your authority adapter and the regex of the authority domain:

dnb-gnd-adapter ... connects your WissKI with the DNB GND API, has an administrative name like DNB GND and a machine name like dnb_gnd. !^http[s]*://\S+$!u
geonames-adapter ... connects your WissKI with geonames API, has a administrative name like Geonames and a machine name like geonames. !^http[s]*://\d+/$!u

Click Save, when your finished.

Check results

Create a WissKI individual which is connected with an authority adapter (like Person). Inside the group  ... is a fundamental structure element of the pathbuilder and can be used as a disambiguation point. Enabled groups resulting in bundles, if you click Save and generate bundles and fields. Administrative names are i. e. Collection or Person and machine names should be start with "g_", like g_person. of your authority information, enter the type of authority (like GND) as the authority document and the identifier you copied from the source (wikipedia, gnd etc. like 6255146) as authority ID. Click Save. The information from the authority repository should automatically appear on the entity display page.

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