This Tutorial describes the configuration routine for an default server setup. You have the possibility to test WissKI in a virtual machine, install a development environment with XAMPP oder follow a dockerized installation.
Recommended Server Setup
Our recommended server setup consists of five parts:
- Ubuntu 18.04 or higher Linux
- PHP 8.2 with extensions:
- php-apcu, php-curl, php-gd, php-json, php-mbstring, php-mysqli, php-xml and php-zip
- Apache 2.x or higher Web Server
- MariaDB 10.6 or higher Database
- GraphDBfree 9 or higher TripleStore
Set up your Server
If you are using a Ubuntu higher than18.04, we provide an installing script, which helps you to set up everything you need to get a Drupal site ready to install.
Since WissKI is a Drupal module, you need a running Drupal instance first. The installation of Drupal consists of some steps, which we describe in an Ubuntu 20.04 environment as an example. If you want to install Drupal in any other system please consider the install guide of Drupal.
Install software dependencies
Drupal is written in PHP, so make sure you have PHP 7.4 or higher with extensions php-apcu, php-curl, php-gd, php-json, php-mbstring and php-mysqli installed. Since Drupal is a web content management system, you need a webserver (Apache 2 is recommended) and a database to store your content and configs (here: MariaDB). In the further course of the installation we need some additional applications to install and orchestrate drupal modules (composer), get files from the web (wget) and unzip compressed files (unzip).
Install Apache2 server and dependencies by typing:
sudo apt install apache2 \
libapache2-mod-php -y
Please be sure that no other webserver is using port 80 (like ngnix).
MySQL/ MariaDB Database
You need a MySQL Database Management System. If you have MySQL already installed, that's cool, if not, we recommend MariaDB install it with:
sudo apt install mariadb-server -y
Make your MariaDB secure
If you have a fresh installation, you might want to secure it. Run the mysql secure installation script and note your credentials. In most cases, you can just answer y
[es] to all questions.
sudo mysql_secure_installation
... is a fundamental structure element of the
... is the place where you define the WissKI structure, configure groups and fields and tell WissKI to which adapter it should send the queries. You can export/import your pathbuilder setup. The administrative name of a pathbuilder could something like Collection and Collection Items or Named Entities.
and can be used as a disambiguation point. Enabled groups resulting in bundles, if you click Save and generate bundles and fields. Administrative names are i. e. Collection or Person and machine names should be start with "g_", like g_person.
to your user
You may want to alter files created by the Apache server. Join the www-data group ... is a fundamental structure element of the pathbuilder ... is the place where you define the WissKI structure, configure groups and fields and tell WissKI to which adapter it should send the queries. You can export/import your pathbuilder setup. The administrative name of a pathbuilder could something like Collection and Collection Items or Named Entities. and can be used as a disambiguation point. Enabled groups resulting in bundles, if you click Save and generate bundles and fields. Administrative names are i. e. Collection or Person and machine names should be start with "g_", like g_person. , if you are not already a member.
usermod -aG www-data $USER
newgrp www-data
Install PHP
You need at least php7.4. We recommend using php8.0. You haven't already add the ppa by
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
You can install php8.0 by typing:
sudo apt install php8.2 \
php8.2-apcu \
php8.2-curl \
php8.2-gd \
php8.2-mbstring \
php8.2-mysql \
php8.2-xml \
php8.2-zip -y
Tweak your PHP
Give WissKI some ressources to increase the performance; add a file to /etc/php/ php-version ... is the PHP version you installed and use on you operating system, i. e. 8.0. /apache2/conf.d/99-wisski.ini with the content:
file_uploads = On
allow_url_fopen = On
max_execution_time = 3000
max_input_time = 600
max_input_nesting_level = 640
max_input_vars = 10000
memory_limit = 2560M
post_max_size = 2000M
upload_max_filesize = 2000M
max_file_uploads = 2000
date.timezone = Europe/Berlin
Enable Apache rewrite module
To provide clean urls enable Apache rewrite module and restart Apache server.
sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo systemctl restart apache2
Only if your working on a local host: redirect domain
Add your
... is your (future) registered second level domain without http://www. like - even If you are working on a local machine and want to migrate to a server later.
to /etc/hosts
, i. e. with
Add virtual host to Apache sites
Add a file /etc/apache2/sites-available/ website-name ... is your (future) registered second level domain without http://www. like - even If you are working on a local machine and want to migrate to a server later. .conf with the content
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin <server admin mail>
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/<website name>/web"
ServerName www.<website name>
ServerAlias <website name>
ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/wisski-error_log"
CustomLog "/var/log/apache2/wisski-access_log" common
<Directory /var/www/html/<website name>/web>
Options FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]
Enable site
Enable your website-name ... is your (future) registered second level domain without http://www. like - even If you are working on a local machine and want to migrate to a server later. and restart the Apache server by
sudo a2ensite && sudo systemctl restart apache2
Create database and database user
Please be sure that your database-name ... is used for your MariaDB database, where Drupal store its information, i.e. wisski_db. and database-user ... is the user role to manage your wisski database and should be a simple name without symbols or special characters, like drupal or wisski. not already exists. Create your database with your database-name ... is used for your MariaDB database, where Drupal store its information, i.e. wisski_db. and/ or database-user ... is the user role to manage your wisski database and should be a simple name without symbols or special characters, like drupal or wisski. , i. e. with
sudo mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE wisski_db ;"
sudo mysql -e "CREATE USER 'wisski'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'djDfdn39dvAS3983ndfasD34';"
sudo mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wisski_db.* TO 'wisski'@'localhost';"
sudo mysql -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
Adjust permissions of web directory
You need write permissions.
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
sudo chown -R 775 /var/www/html
Install Drupal and all necessary modules and libraries
If you do not have composer, please visit, download and install it. The Code below renames the bin to composer and save it to /usr/local/bin.
php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
php -r "if (hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') === '756890a4488ce9024fc62c56153228907f1545c228516cbf63f885e036d37e9a59d27d63f46af1d4d07ee0f76181c7d3') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
php composer-setup.php --filename=composer --install-dir=/usr/local/bin
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
You may need unzip and wget packages as well:
sudo apt install wget unzip
Install Drupal site with composers recommend project option, this installs your site in website-name ... is your (future) registered second level domain without http://www. like - even If you are working on a local machine and want to migrate to a server later. /web,
cd /var/www/html
composer create-project drupal/recommended-project
Change the "minimum-stability" value in your composer.json to "dev" and save.
//rest of your composer.json...
"conflict": {
"drupal/drupal": "*"
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"prefer-stable": true,
"config": {
"allow-plugins": {
// rest of your composer.json...
Install basic module setup.
composer require drupal/devel drush/drush drupal/image_effects drupal/imagemagick drupal/imce drupal/inline_entity_form:^3.0@RC drupal/viewfield drupal/wisski
Adjust permissions of web directory again, with
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
sudo chown -R 775 /var/www/html
SSL certificates with certbot
This is only necessary if you are installing WissKI on remote production server and not on a local machine. You can get letsencrypt SSL certificats by installing and using certbot. Please be aware that the following lines replace apt installation with snap! Follow the instructions from certbot to reseive and install the certificates.
sudo apt remove certbot -y
sudo snap install core
sudo snap refresh core
sudo snap install --classic certbot
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
sudo certbot --apache
Run the Drupal installer
Open your webbrowser and run the Drupal installer at http:// website-name ... is your (future) registered second level domain without http://www. like - even If you are working on a local machine and want to migrate to a server later. .
Most module and help pages related to Drupal are written in English, so it is convenient to leave the system language as default.
Select Standard
as the installation profile.
Use your database-name ... is used for your MariaDB database, where Drupal store its information, i.e. wisski_db. , your database-user ... is the user role to manage your wisski database and should be a simple name without symbols or special characters, like drupal or wisski. and your database-password ... is the password for the non-root user, i. e. djDfdn39dvAS3983ndfasD34. at the Database configuration. If you performed a default server setup, the host will be localhost, if you are in a Docker environment it will be your mariadb-service-name ... is the name of your MariaDB service inside a docker-compose.yml, i. e. mariadb. At, its on line 18. .
Wait until Drupal is installed.
On the site configuration form, enter your website-title, site-email-adress, website-user-name and website-user-password. Click Save and continue. Congratulations, you installed your Drupal site!
Example screencast
Activate WissKI modules
WissKI consists of several submodules, to be able to use the core functionalities, go to Manage Extend, check
- WissKI Core
- WissKI Pathbuilder
- WissKI SPARQL1.1 Adapter with Pathbuilder
- WissKI Store Abstraction Layer Zero
and click Install.
Example screencast
WissKI basis configuration
Navigate to Manage Configuration WissKI Configuration (WissKI section) and check Do you want to use only main bundles for display? and Do you want to use views for navigation? at the Miscellaneous settings and click Save.
SALZ Adapter Configuration
You are now ready to establish the connection to the triplestore.