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Submitted by rnsrk on

WissKI's pathbuilder ... is the place where you define the WissKI structure, configure groups and fields and tell WissKI to which adapter it should send the queries. You can export/import your pathbuilder setup. The administrative name of a pathbuilder could something like Collection and Collection Items or Named Entities. translates between the graph based ontology with it's classes and properties and Drupal's content structures, namely views, bundles and fields. Each pathbuilder ... is the place where you define the WissKI structure, configure groups and fields and tell WissKI to which adapter it should send the queries. You can export/import your pathbuilder setup. The administrative name of a pathbuilder could something like Collection and Collection Items or Named Entities. belongs to an adapter through which data flows from Drupal to the triple store and vice versa. He helps you to structure and disambiguate your data and and let you choose the type of the input fields respectively the formatters for the display.

The pathbuilder ... is the place where you define the WissKI structure, configure groups and fields and tell WissKI to which adapter it should send the queries. You can export/import your pathbuilder setup. The administrative name of a pathbuilder could something like Collection and Collection Items or Named Entities. structure organizes around groups (= bundles in Drupal) and paths (= fields in Drupal). In this section, you will learn how to create groups and paths and get an overview of the main field types text, list, image, geofield and entity reference. Since the pathbuilder ... is the place where you define the WissKI structure, configure groups and fields and tell WissKI to which adapter it should send the queries. You can export/import your pathbuilder setup. The administrative name of a pathbuilder could something like Collection and Collection Items or Named Entities. cares about the initial creation of groups and paths and their assignment to Drupals bundles and field types and formatters; the advanced configuration of the input forms and displays takes place in Structure.

You can download the sample ontology and pathbuilder ... is the place where you define the WissKI structure, configure groups and fields and tell WissKI to which adapter it should send the queries. You can export/import your pathbuilder setup. The administrative name of a pathbuilder could something like Collection and Collection Items or Named Entities. templates and triple store dump presented in this chapter, by the way.

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