As WissKI depends on the content management system Drupal as a framework and a triple store as a data repository, you have to setup these two parts before can work with WissKI.
Since there are always dozens of ways to do something in Drupal, the possibilities to set up a WissKI environment are numerous and depends on your operation system and the purpose of the installation (development/ testing or production).
The default server setup is sufficient for most Linux based use cases. It requires a bit more work to configure at the start, but provides a more direct way to maintain. For those, who use Ubuntu >18.04, we have an install script, which helps you to set up your Drupal-WissKI-Environment.
The docker setup is a fast and easy way to orchestrate different software components, but needs extra skill levels during post installation configurations, because of the extra layers of docker. It is suitable for environments that already use docker or want to run multiple web apps side by side on one server.
Basic WissKI environment
The basic setup for this tutorial is PHP 8 and Drupal 9 with WissKI 3.x-dev and WissKI Core, WissKI Pathbuilder, WissKI Sparql1.1 Adapter with Pathbuilder and WissKI Store Abstraction Layer Zero as enabled modules.
Set your PHP settings variables at least to:
max_execution_time = 3000
max_input_time = 600
max_input_nesting_level = 640
max_input_vars = 10000
memory_limit = 2560M
post_max_size = 2000M
upload_max_filesize = 2000M
max_file_uploads = 2000