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Submitted by rnsrk on

A view defines how content on the website is displayed, if it's a page, block, list, table, grid or something else. You can add a sort or filters and some more options. In this guide we will tackle the basic features of views, but you can learn more about Views on the Drupal Views module documentation. A View does not define the layout of an entity, how to change it you will learn in chapter WissKI entity layout.


  • Be sure you enabled WissKI section) under Miscellaneous Settings.
  • Some WissKI indiviuals.


Create a view

Visit Manage Structure Views and click + Add view. Enter a view-name ... is the appellation of that specific view and only a administration title, i. e. All objects. and in section View Settings, alter Show to Wisski Entity. You can decide between a page, which is a own site with possibilities like a menu link or a Block, which is a subsection of a page and can be placed at different locations on your site. Check Create a page in the Page Settings section and enter a page-title ... is the heading of the page displayed at the top, i. e. All objects from biological and artworks collection. and you may choose a url-alias ... is the external URL part, which follows your domain in the address field of your browser, i. e. collections/all-objects (which would end in a complete URL like in the Path field. In the Page Display Settings, change Display format to Grid and choose fields in the of: field.

Check Create a menu link and select Main navigation as the parent Menu. Enter a link-text the label of the link, i. e. Objects. and click Save and edit.

Configure the view

The configurations page of the view offers options which content is displayed, how it's displayed, where, for which user roles and gives you the possibility to handle performance issues. You have already setup the Title and the Format, while creating the view. Click on Add on the right site of the Fields section, enable Title and Preview Image (you can use the Search field by the way), and click Add and configure fields. The config options of the first enabled field popup, just Apply and continue. You may want hide the Entity Id; Click on Wisski Entity: Entity Id and check Exclude from display, click Apply. You need to Add Filter Criteria to display any WissKI individuals. Search and enable Bundle/Group, click Add and configure filter criteria and set the Operator to Is equal to. As Wisski Entity types, check the wisski-entity ... is an informational object about which information is to be stored or processed. The object can be material or immaterial, concrete or abstract, it is the type of objects or the classification of a group of things, i. e. Bobby (Gorilla gorilla) or Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus could both be individuals of the WissKI entity Specimen. , which should be displayed. Click Apply.

If you check multiple Wisski Entity types within the configure popup, WissKI get's confused. If you want to merge several sets, you must create several filter criteria and link them with OR. To do this, click on the Caret in Filter Criteria and select And/Or Rearrange. In the popup, switch the Operator to Or.

Native Search fields (exposed filters) inside views do not work very well. If you like to provide a (fulltext) search go to chapter SOLR Search.

Example screencast

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